Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Just let it be!!

 Just let it be!!

 by Lord Buddha


Buddha said that be patient Everything will come to you in the right moment.

Once lord buddha traveling from one to another town with some of his followers, while they were traveling, they saw a lake nearby lord buddha said to one of his disciples to bring some water from that lake. The disciple wen near the lake and saw that some people were washing the clothes, that moment the bullock cart crossed the lake as the result the water become so muddy. “How can I serve this muddy water to the Buddha”, thought the disciple. The disciple returns back and to told Buddha that the water there in the lake is so muddy. Lord Buddha replied don’t worry come and let us take a rest. After some time again Buddha requested to bring water from that lake to the disciple, so he went again to the lake. This time, he saw the water is absolutely clear in the lake. The disciple collected water in a pot. And brought it to the Buddha.  Buddha looked at the water and then looked at the disciple and said you got clear water. It did not require any effort. It is the same thing with our mind when it is disturbed just let it be and come with a small little break and it solves on its own. giving them the important part of the story, all his followers see the buddha to the respect.

Moral   Always stay calm and never take hasty decisions.

Compiled & edited.

Prashant D.Salvi 

Tuesday, August 17, 2021


 इंग्रजी भाषेतून बाबासाहेबांचे लिखाण म्हणजे जगासाठी दीपस्तंभ - प्रा. प्रशांत साळवी

(मुंबई प्रतिनिधी):- भाषा म्हणजे आपले विचार प्रभावी व्यक्त करण्याचे साधन होय. सध्याच्या युगात इंग्रजी भाषेवर प्रभुत्व असणे अत्यंत गरजेचे आहे. आनंद सेवा संघ संचालित, जेतवन बुद्ध विहार, टागोर नगर, मुंबई यांनी रविवार, दिनांक ८ ऑगस्ट २०२१ रोजी वर्षावास निमित्त प्राध्यापक प्रशांत साळवी यांनी 'डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर आणि इंग्रजी भाषा' या आगळ्या - वेगळ्या  विषयावर उपस्थितांशी आपल्या व्याखानातून संवाद साधला..

सरांनी अतिशय वेगळा विषय निवडून बाबसाहेबांनी ४० पेक्षा अधिक पुस्तके आणि प्रबंधाचे मुद्देसूद विश्लेषण केले.

सरांनी सांगितले, " डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर इंग्रजी भाषेचे निष्णात व्यक्तीमत्त्व आहेत, त्यांचे इंग्रजी भाषेवर विषेश प्रेम होते

डॉ. बाबसहेबांनी आंबेडकरांनी इंग्रजी भाषेतून लिहिलेल्या पुस्तकांचा संदर्भ देऊन या पुस्तकांचा परामर्श प्रा. प्रशांत साळवी यांनी आपल्या व्याखानातून घेतला.

विशेष संदर्भ देतांना सरांनी, डॉ. बाबासाहेबांची आत्मकथा "Waiting For a Visa" आजही कोलंबिया विद्यापीठात पाठ्यपुस्तक म्हणुन अभ्यासक्रमास असल्याचे आवर्जुन सांगितले.. पुढे स्पष्टीकरण करतांना सरांनी सांगितले की, डॉ. बाबासाहेबांचे Annihilation of Caste, हे आजही जगातले सर्वोत्तम खपाचे (Best Seller) पुस्तक आहे.

म्हणजेच बाबासाहेब आंबेडकरांनी इंग्रजी भाषातील लिखाणामुळे जगासाठी ज्ञानाचा स्त्रोत निर्माण झाला.

इंग्रजी भाषेवर प्रभूत्व म्हणजे संपूर्ण जगावर अधिराज्य गाजवण्याची जणु गुरुकिल्लीच  हे बाबासाहेब आंबेडकरांनी आपल्याला दाखवून दिले, असे सरांनी उपस्थितांना पटवून दिले. काळाची पाऊले ओळखून आपणही इंग्रजी भाषेची कास धरावी, इंग्रजी भाषा अवगत असेल तर आपल्याला करिअरच्या अनेक संधी उपलब्ध होतात, त्याच बरोबर आपण आपली मातृभाषा सुद्धा समृद्ध केली पाहिजे, असे प्रा. प्रशांत साळवी यांनी अगत्याने सांगितले.

सदर कार्यक्रम आयोजन व यशस्वी करण्यात प्राध्यापक विनोद गाडे, बी.ए.पंड्डीत, सहदेव कांबळे, के. टी. सावंत, प्राध्यापक शैलेंद्र धांडोरे, प्राध्यापक प्राजक्ता साळवी, आनंद सेवा संघ आणि जेवतवन बुध्द विहार कमिटी यांनी मोलाचे सहकार्य केले.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Communication- The Must Skill

Prof: Prashant D. Salvi

M.A. B.Ed. (English Literature)


Communication- The Must Skill

Communication is a two-way process. This means that both the person communicating (communicator) and the person being communicated (communicatee) must participate actively during the process of communication. Communication happens when ideas, thoughts, information, etc, are shared between two people. Since communication is a two-way process, successful communication relies on both communicator and communicatee.

Most people in the world think that communication, probably means talking, or verbal communication. However, it is important to remember that talking is not the only form of communication. In addition to verbal communication, you communicate non-verbally with body movements and facial expressions. Communication can also be in written or electronic form.

Every time in communication, when you communicate, you use different rules and ways to communicate effectively. Good communication skills not only help to improve your personal relationships but also professional growth. You may be a common person, businessman, professionals, students, etc; You must possess strong communication skills.

Communication has become the most significant factor in our lives, whether with friends, family, work colleagues, or partners. A lot of issues can be formed or aggravated through poor communication skills.

The given write-up focuses on enhancing your communication also shows ways in which you can develop.

There are four factors/rules of effective communication.

1. Listening
2. Verbal Communication
3. Nonverbal Communication
4. Emotional Awareness

1.    Listening: - Is Listening and Hearing same? Once I asked this question in the classroom to my students. Many of them were baffled, the majority of them were saying, It is the same. But it was not fact. The discussion started; I gave a simple exam of the “horns” of vehicles outside the classroom are said to be ‘Hear’ whereas the lecture is said to be ‘Listen’. I further explained that the vehicle horn sound is striking unintentionally on your ears whereas lecture involves your mind and ears.

 Listening is the most important factor for effective communication. We should become Active listeners and it doesn’t come naturally to us. It requires conscious effort to be the Active Listener. It takes practice and can be difficult to master. Active listening comes with fully concentrating on what is being said, absorbing it without pre-judgment rather than hearing the general message. Most people misunderstand ‘Hearing’ and ‘Listening’. But both these concepts are different. Hearing is merely a Physiological activity whereas Listening is Physiological and mental activity whereas.

There are a couple of habits we should imbibe to become a good listener. While Listening, we should Concentrate on what is being said. We shouldn’t be distracted and formulate a response hastily. Remain engaged in conversation -look at the person speaking, nod occasionally to show that you’re listening. You should Wait for the speaker to finish speaking before asking queries and don’t disturb with a response.  

2.                        Verbal Communication: - Another factor for effective communication. We depend on verbal                 communication to exchange messages with one another and develop as individuals. The term                  verbal communication often conjures the idea of spoken communication, but written                                 communication is also part of verbal communication.

Verbal communication is both written and spoken. In general, verbal communication refers to our use of words while nonverbal communication refers to communication that occurs through means other than words, such as body language, gestures, and silence. Both verbal and nonverbal communication can be spoken and written. Many people mistakenly assume that verbal communication refers only to spoken communication.

Then verbal communication can be classified into Four Types. Verbal communication includes sounds, words, language, and speech. The effective use of verbal communication leads to effective communication. The proper use of spoken and written words leads to effective communication.

3.    Nonverbal Communication: Non-verbal communication takes place without the use of spoken or written words.  Non-verbal communication comprises eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture, personal appearance, the physical environment, signs, symbols, and paralanguage, the use of time, and the distance between you and your audience (proxemics). For example, crossed arms can imply defensiveness, poor posture may seem unprofessional, and avoiding eye contact will draw away from the confident impression we want to give.

Verbal and non-verbal communication takes place parallel to each other. In fact, they are complementary to each other. Nonverbal communication is less cognitive control and revealing more of what we actually think and feel. Body language, facial expressions, and vocal characteristics are not easy to control, whereas verbal communication is done intentionally.

We should give special attention to nonverbal communication to achieve effective communication. The fact is that nonverbal communication is double edge sword. So, we should be extra cautious while using it.

4.    Emotional Awareness: - Emotional awareness means the ability to understand feelings, will help you succeed when communicating. If you are emotionally aware, you will communicate better. You will notice other people's emotions and how the way they are feeling influences the way they communicate. Your emotional awareness empowers you to accurately read other people, counting the emotions they're feeling and the unspoken messages they're sending. The communicator should create belief in relationships by sending nonverbal signals that match up with your words. You should respond in ways that show others that you understand and care.
For example; when a teacher enters a classroom for the last lecture of the day (time table) for students, students will be almost closed for learning. But as a teacher, you cannot waste your lecture. Here if the teacher starts his lecture with touches of humor note or drops some innovative thought, which can surely improve the student’s attention toward your lecture.  So emotional awareness in communication has also become important for effective communication.

Communication is a skill. There is always scope to improve your skills. As communication is a must in everyday life, we must strive to enhance it. These four factors are sure roads to achieve effective communication.


Monday, May 17, 2021

English- The Must Language

                                        English- The Must Language

Needless to say, English is the Global Language, It will dominate the globe for the next many years. The importance of English as spoken and written language is increasing day in and day out. The reason is very valid as the 'Job market' demands fluency in this global language (English). Our generation raised where studying in English medium school was a distant dream. But now at least 75% of the Indian middle-class families are looking to educate their children in English medium/ convent schools.

This has arisen a different problem that now this second generation Learners are facing. Though they are pursuing education in English Medium /Convent schools their mother tongue or family language is different. It has been proven by many searches that a child can educate better in the mother tongue but time demands Enligh fluency.

Now the question arises, What to do? Whether to admit the child in vernacular medium or English medium? If you are caught up in such a situation then you must read this article till the end.

No one can deny the importance of English. So, In my opinion, you can admit your child in English medium providing the following atmosphere at your around. 

Speak in English: If you want your kids should learn English then As a parent, it becomes essential to interact with your child in your home in English only. Though it is a difficult task If you manage to do it your child will certainly be benefitted out of this. Your kid's confidence will be boosted. At least, begin with a few words/phrases like "Please, Thank you, Excuse me, Come here, What you want, etc. Kids may get acquainted with many routine words and their confidence will shoot up. Also, encourage your kid to speak in English with friends and family.

Watch Cartoons in English: Watching cartoons on YouTube or Television is a common problem faced by parents for their kids. There is an opportunity in this problem for your kid to grasp a new language. Always see to it that your child watches the cartoons in the English language. This helps him understand the English language better. Remember cartoon's dialogues are with action. Here your child can get double the benefit of listening to the language and understanding at the same time.

Bring Story/Comic Books: The new generation is hardly involved in reading books. But if you buy story or comic books for kids, they will certainly arrest the interest of your child towards reading. Remember one step will take you towards the goal. There are some Mobile apps such as Bolo, Hello English, Duolingo, etc. that can bill helpful for your kids.

As a parent it is your utmost responsibility to help out your kids otherwise they will struggle to overcome the problem. It is the need for time to have skills in English. If we run away from it then we shall deprive/ suffer for it. 

Sudden Rain

 Sudden Things

All sudden things in our life give surprise to us. On May 17th, 2021 sudden rain really surprised me as well as all of us.

Today 17th May, was actually the 6th Marriage Anniversary of my younger brother Sanny. He got married on 17th May 2015. Though the marriage was a planned program but not the rain. Then rain had brought a lot of surprising things with it. We were preposterously unprepared for it. In villages, electricity cut is the common problem. so on the same day it happened, there is no invertor, nothing as such. 

The rainwater started running through our yard. It seems all the arrangements swimming in the rainwater.

We felt it would not be possible to have planned marriage rituals, but suddenly in the afternoon, the rain stopped, and my brother binds in the bond of marriage.

This memory brought in my mind suddenly today's rain.

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

  Author: J.K. Rowling Genre: Fantasy, Adventure Published: 1997 Themes: Friendship, Courage, Good vs. Evil, Self-Discovery J.K. Rowling...