Monday, July 10, 2023

The Inchcape Rock | ENGLISH| SYJC | Appreciation of the poem

 Poetic Appreciation of Poem

2.3 The Inchcape Rock


About the poet and poem:
This is a ballad, written by Robert Southey. It is the story of the 14th-century attempt by the Abbot of Aberbrothok to install a warning bell on the Inchcape, a notorious stone reef about 18 km off the east coast of Angus occupied by the  Bell Rock Lighthouse. The poet was inspired by the legendary story of a pirate who removed the bell on the Inchcape rock and invited death for himself because of his own deed.


The Theme
The Abbot of Aberbrotok installed a bell on the Inchcape rock to alert the mariners to avoid the collision, the pirate plucked the bell in jealousy. In return journey , he invited death due to the lack of an Inchcape bell.


Poetic Device
The figure of speech used in the poem is a a b b. The tone of the poem is energetic as it is a balled. There are 4 lines in each stanza, figures of speech like personification, simile, metaphor, and beautiful word pictures of the story. We find many old English words here.


Special features
We observe a beautiful presentation of the natural beauty of the sea, it has thus a sea background. Being a ballad, we find great energy while reading the poem. The poem depicts a word of an image of marine beauty.


My opinion/message
The poem is  didactic, with a great moral message
‘as we sow, so shall we reap’
This message is useful to everyone, we are responsible for our destruction the qualities like jealousy and hatred invite destruction for us.


Friday, July 7, 2023


Truth is Beauty, Beauty is Truth

The phrase “Beauty is truth, truth beauty” is a famous line from John Keats’ poem “Ode on a Grecian Urn.” The line expresses the idea that beauty and truth are interconnected and inseparable.

At its core, the phrase means that anything that is truly beautiful reflects a deeper truth, and anything that is truly true is inherently beautiful. The idea is that beauty and truth are two sides of the same coin and that they are intimately linked.

To understand this idea, we can consider the beauty of nature. When we look at a beautiful landscape or a sunset, we are moved by its beauty, and we also feel that it is truthful in some way. The beauty of nature reflects the truth of its existence and the laws of the universe that govern it.

Similarly, in art, beauty is often associated with authenticity and emotional truthfulness. A beautiful work of art is one that captures something essential about the human experience and speaks to us on a deep emotional level. This emotional truthfulness is what makes the work beautiful.

The phrase “Beauty is truth, truth beauty” is not meant to be taken literally, but rather as a poetic expression of the idea that beauty and truth are interconnected. By recognizing and appreciating the beauty around us, we can come to a deeper understanding of the truth of our existence and the world around us.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Reading is Important

Reading -Very useful Tool

Reading is the most important tool to any person's life. Reading fetch you new ideas, trends and finds to your Life.

I always wanted to be a good reader. Many time, I wanted read but there were some hassles and tussle in my task.

So recently I joined one online course "Read for Success" by Dr.S. Manjunath. The course helped me a lot for improving my reading speech. It guided me to choose the right kind of books fits for my profession.

Here is some recommendations for Dr. S. Manjunath 

  1. Rich Dad Poor Dad' by Robert Kiyosaki: This book challenges conventional beliefs about money and provides invaluable insights into financial literacy and investing for passive income.
  2. 'The Intelligent Investor' by Benjamin Graham: A timeless classic, it offers principles for successful investing, emphasizing value-based strategies and long-term thinking.
  3. 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill: This groundbreaking self-help book delves into the power of the mind, positive thinking, and persistence in achieving financial success.
  4. 'The Millionaire Next Door' by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko: By studying the habits of millionaires, this book reveals the importance of frugality, smart financial choices, and disciplined saving.
  5. 'The Richest Man in Babylon' by George S. Clason is a timeless personal finance book that imparts essential financial principles through engaging parables set in ancient Babylon. It emphasizes saving, investing, living below one's means, and seeking financial knowledge. It offers practical advice for wealth accumulation and financial success.

These books offer a wealth of knowledge, practical strategies, and mindset shifts to help you take control of your financial future. I encourage you to explore these books and apply their wisdom to your personal circumstances. Let's embark on this journey together towards financial growth and success!"

Happy Reading...

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