Sunday, March 19, 2023



3.   3.2 Mind Mapping

The meaning of mind mapping is a visual representation of an Idea or Concept. The interconnected nodes and branches are dedicated to relationships between each part and ultimately to the central theme.

Mind mapping — a visual representation of information — is a versatile tool that can assist students with many aspects of their learning. It can help them map out new ideas, explore concepts in more detail and facilitate a better understanding of relationships and connections.

The central idea is drawn as an image in the centre and related ideas are added as branches. Major ideas as connected directly to the central concept and other ideas branch out from those major idea.

How can I create a mind map?

How to answer this question:

  1. Read the question carefully.
  2. Write the Main idea at center.
  3. Write the Sub-Ideas or Sub-Branches connected to the main idea.
  4. You will have to develop a ‘Mind Mapping frame/design using your idea/thought/concept to illustrate/ develop the given idea.


Marking Scheme:

          -Covering important points as per the instructions -     2 mark

          - Presentation -                                                           1 mark

          Total-                                                3 Marks


1.   1) Develop a Mind-Map using your ideas and concept to develop the topic ‘Literature’.

1.   2)Develop a mind map using your ideas and concept to develop the topic ‘Manage Stress’.

3.   Develop a ‘Mind-Mapping frame/design using your ideas/thoughts/concepts to illustrate/develop on the topic: ‘Best Sources of Entertainment’. (Sept. ‘2021) 

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

  Author: J.K. Rowling Genre: Fantasy, Adventure Published: 1997 Themes: Friendship, Courage, Good vs. Evil, Self-Discovery J.K. Rowling...