Sunday, September 15, 2024

2.2 Indian Weaver


                                2.2 Indian Wear (Appreciation)

About the poem/poet and the title: ‘Indian Weavers’ is by the renowned poet, Sarojini Naidu. The poem was taken from the poet’s first volume, ' The Golden Threshold’, published in 1905. It consists of three stanzas, or quatrains, with two rhyming couplets each. This poem is a metaphor for the three stages of human life - birth, youth and death. The poet depicts Indian weavers, who weave tirelessly at different times, while simultaneously describing the three stages of human life, from birth to death, just as the weavers weave from dawn tonight. The poet chooses three different time settings - the weavers weave the new-born baby’s garments in the early morning, the queen’s marriage-veils in the evening and the dead man’s shroud at midnight.

The theme: The poem's central theme is the parallelism that the poet beautifully draws between the three parts of the weaver’s workday and the three stages of human life. The poem has been written in iambic tetrameter and its three stanzas follow the rhyme scheme of ‘aabb’, ‘ccdd’ and ‘eeff’ respectively.

Poetic style: The style used in the poem is simple and lucid, with each stanza beginning with a question to evoke the reader’s interest.

The language/poetic devices used in the poem: The poetic devices Alliteration, Consonance, Inversion, Metaphor, Repetition and simile have been employed to enhance the text’s poetic appeal. The use of Simile in ‘blue as the wing of a halcyon wild’, Metaphor in ‘break of day’ to compare it to ‘childhood’, Alliteration in repetitive consonant sounds of ‘we’ throughout the stanzas or ‘p’ in ‘purple peacock’, and repetition of the words ‘weavers’, weaving’ and ‘weave’ across the poem are the examples of these poetic devices.

Special features: The poet has used vivid imagery in correlating the parts of the day to the stages of life. Almost every line of the poem contains imagery, which paints a picture in the readers’ minds about the ‘weavers weaving’, ‘blue-colored robe on a new-born baby’, ‘a queen wearing purple and green coloured marriage-veil’ and a ‘dead body covered with a white shroud’. The major use of symbolism in the poem is that the ‘threads’ of a person’s life are woven by ‘destiny’ or ‘Fates’, which is represented by the ‘weavers’ in this poem. It is the Fates who decide the time of birth, the length of youth and the time of death of a person. Thus, the contextual meaning of the poem may be the weavers weaving garments and a shroud for various occasions, but symbolically the poem represents the cycle of life and death with the threads of each stage being woven by the Fates.

Message, values, morals in the poem: The message being conveyed by the poem is that of the perpetual motion of life, where each stage, characterized by its unique emotions, lasts for a while before the next one comes along to take its place. I find this poem a good read as it is a short poem that is packed with imagery.

Your opinion about the poem: I like the poem for the colour scheme that the poet has chosen for the garments woven by the weaver according to the life-stage of the intended wearer.

2.1 Song of the Open the Road


                                2.1 Song of the Open Road

The poem Song of the Open Road is written by Walt Whittman. He is an American poet and father of free verse. He is a popular poet for his work “Leaves of Grass”.  Walt Whitman's Song of the Open Road is a powerful celebration of freedom, adventure, and the joy of traveling on the open road. The poem encourages readers to explore the world around them.  It speaks to the human desire to wander and experience the beauty of nature, and to seek out new experiences and challenges.

Throughout the poem, Whitman uses vivid imagery and suggestive language to convey the excitement and energy of travel. He encourages readers to leave behind the limitations of society and embrace the open road, where anything is possible. The poem celebrates the simple pleasures of life, such as the feeling of the wind on one's face and the beauty of a starry sky.

At its core, "Song of the Open Road" is a celebration of the human spirit and the limitless possibilities of the world around us. It reminds us that life is a journey and that the road ahead is full of adventure and opportunity. It encourages us to embrace the unknown, to take risks, and to never stop exploring the world around us.

There are many poetic devices used in this poem. The poem is written in free verse style. The poem is a dramatic monologue. The poet has used various figures of speech such as Metaphor, Tautology, Paradox, Alliteration, etc.

I really like this poem "Song of the Open Road" as it is a beautiful, inspiring poem that celebrates the joy of travel and the human spirit. It reminds us to appreciate the beauty of the world around us, and to embrace the freedom and adventure that comes with exploring it."

Friday, July 5, 2024

How to Improve English

                     How to Improve English?

Speaking English fluently and confidently is an important goal for many people. Often, we hesitate because we are afraid of making mistakes or disappointing ourselves in front of others. Occasionally mistakes are unavoidable. But like any other skill, you can improve your spoken English if you practice regularly and follow these simple techniques.

1. Listen

Listening is the first step in improving your speaking skills. 

Listening to English has many benefits – it allows you to pick up new words, phrases, and ways to respond in conversations. Secondly, listening provides opportunities to understand pronunciation, how some words are omitted when speaking, how some are joined together, the rhythm, the intonation, and the sounds of language. 

What should you listen to? There are many resources available to you to listen to for free. Start with short English clips or videos: pick your favorite English TV show or YouTube channel. Listen to a clip and notice carefully what the characters are saying. Repeat any dialogues or phrases that interest you. Replay the same clip until you understand every word. You could also turn on the subtitles or look at the video transcript if available and practise saying the dialogues with the characters.

English podcasts are another popular way to listen to English and improve your listening and speaking skills. Podcasts are short audio clips that are available online on various topics.

The third most interesting way to improve your listening and speaking is by listening to audiobooks. Audiobooks have become very popular over the past couple of years. They are great for people who have no time to invest in reading books. They are also a wonderful way to perfect your pronunciation. 

Finally, nothing can beat actual English conversations with people. Listen to your colleagues speaking in English, listen to your boss giving presentations and conduct meetings in English, and listen to your teacher speaking in English – all of these real-life conversations will help you become a better listener and a better speaker of the language. Remember that listening as much as possible will help your speaking significantly.

2. Imitate

Now that you have listened to lots of English conversations, it’s time for some imitation. Yes, that’s right! Imitating or copying someone is a wonderful to improve your speaking skills. Not convinced? Watch babies and children – how do they learn a language? They copy everything an adult says. 

Another benefit of imitation is that it will help you become more accurate in English without having to learn grammar rules. With lots of practice, you will begin to remember chunks of words and phrases. This helps in remembering word patterns in a sentence and how certain words go with others. 

To effectively improve your speaking skills, you need to follow these steps:

·       Listen: Pick your favorite video or audio clip from any of the sources provided in the earlier section of this article. Play the audio and listen to it carefully. Play as many times as you like to understand how each word is spoken.

·       Repeat and record: After playing the audio, repeat saying the words and conversations exactly as you heard. Pay special attention to the intonation, stress, and rhythm of language. Record yourself while repeating the words. The recording will provide you an opportunity to listen to yourself and self-correct. So, do not skip this step. 

·       Compare: Listen to the audio again and compare it with your recording. Does it match? Note down changes that you may need to make.

·       Correct: Repeat the entire process again until you get better and more accurate. 

As this process involves listening to the same audio clip several times, choose a topic that is interesting to you. If you stick with the routine, you will see improvement in your pronunciation, vocabulary, accuracy, and overall speaking abilities in no time!

3. Read

Reading is yet another important skill to have when learning a language. Whether you prefer a novel or an article, reading for a few minutes every day will help you acquire new vocabulary. 

The most common reason why people hesitate to read is that it takes quite a lot of time to read a book from start to end. However, when learning English, reading even for a few minutes is greatly beneficial. Short articles or notes in English are great for this. They only take a few minutes to read and are quite easy to find.

You can start with materials you find every day. Think of notes and memos at work, pamphlets, and brochures at your local supermarket, or notices and safety instructions in the elevators – wherever you are there is always something to read.

and topics. Each article has interactive exercises to help you understand and use the language.

Remember that if your goal is improving speaking skills, it is a good idea to read aloud. This will not only help you practice unfamiliar words but also help you improve your pronunciation and fluency.


4. Prepare

A lot of us hesitate to speak or take part in conversations in English because we are nervous about what to say. We are anxious that what we say may not be appropriate or that we may make mistakes. We can easily fix this problem by preparing ahead. Are you going to a restaurant with your colleagues? Think of situations that require you to speak English. Order food, perhaps? Ask for changes to a dish? Ask your colleagues’ preferences? Ask for the bill? What vocabulary do you need in these situations? Write up a simple list of phrases to use. 

Here is an example:


Useful phrases

Arriving at the restaurant and asking for a table (if booked)

Hello. We’ve booked a table for ___. (say the number of people for which you booked the table)

The booking is in _________ ‘s name. (say the name of the person you provided at the time of booking)

Arriving at the restaurant and asking for a table (if not booked)

Hello. We need a table for _______ (say the number of people). Can you fit us in?

Asking for the menu

Could we see the food menu, please?

Could we see the drinks menu, please?

Asking about food

Is this dish suitable for vegetarians?

Does this dish contain nuts? I am allergic to nuts. 

Could you help me understand what this dish contains?

Choosing what to order among your colleagues

I’d like to order a hamburger with a side of fries. What about you?

I prefer coffee to tea. 

What would you like to have?

Do you prefer soup or salad?

That sounds delicious. 

Placing your order

We are ready to place our order.

Could we have bottled water for everyone?

I would like ___________ (say what you would like to eat)

Could I have ___________ (say what you would like to eat)?

Giving feedback

That was delicious. Thank you. 

That was lovely. Thank you.

It was a great meal. Thank you.


The food was a bit cold. 

The dish was a bit spicy for my taste.

Paying your bill

Could we have the bill, please?

Can I pay by card?


This is on me. (When you want to insist on paying for everyone).

Create similar cheat sheets for everyday situations. You will find yourself becoming more confident and ready to speak in English.

5. Speak

Yes, speaking. There is no magic pill that would help you speak better. You must put yourself in situations where you are forced to speak in English to get better at it. Start small. Take advantage of this situation by speaking to people around you. It could be at your workplace or even at a coffee shop – doesn’t matter where, as long as you can speak.

If you don’t have that advantage, practice speaking in English with your colleagues or classmates. It is easier if you choose someone who speaks a different language than you do as it forces you to communicate in English.

6. Practise

We cannot stress this enough. Regular and consistent practice is the key to success when it comes to speaking English. The tips and suggestions that we’ve described above only work if you use them regularly. So, here’s what we recommend. Start small – spend just 10 minutes every day doing 1-2 of the above things. Maybe listen to a short video clip today and imitate it. Reflect on what you learned. Tomorrow, pick up a short article. Read aloud and summarise in your own words. Reflect on what you read and the new words.

Some days you will find more time. Dedicate more time when you can but do the minimum every single day. You will see a big change in your abilities in no time! As you improve, you’ll get more confident and more ready for bigger challenges. This is the time to find speaking partners and to put yourself in situations that require speaking in English. Don’t worry about making mistakes. Most people don’t care if you make mistakes. 

Finally, don’t forget to have fun. It’s easier to learn something new and commit to learning when you’re having fun. Practice English by singing along to popular songs. Practise tongue twisters with your friends.

Try all these tips today and start your language learning journey right away!

Thursday, October 5, 2023


 Definition: a website where a person writes regularly about topics that interest them, usually with photographs and links to other websites they find interesting.

Common features of blogs 

  • Header with the menu or Navigation bar
  • Main content area
  • Sidebar with profiles, popular posts or favorite content
  • Footer with relevant links privacy policy, disclaimer, contact page etc.

Structure of Blog:

Marking Scheme for ‘Blog Writing' (As per HSC Board)

Main Content (Mc) = 2 Mark

Header / Menu / Navigation Bar (HMN) = 1 Mark

Footer (F) = 1 Mark.

Sample Examples of Blog Writing:

                          Importance of Discipline

Discipline provides people with rules to live their lives efficiently and effectively. When you have discipline in your life you can make small sacrifices in the present for a better life in the future. Discipline creates habits, habits make routines, and routines become who you are daily. The value of discipline is the way to do what needs to be done. Not only does practice allow one to establish a positive action. It helps us train our minds and body and enables us to focus on our goals and to regulate our emotions. It helps preserve society’s peace and order.

As students, discipline is very important in their lives. Students often find mathematics to be difficult and fear the subject. Discipline helps them to build a positive attitude towards everything. This helps them to improve their performance slowly and steadily. Finally, discipline helps students to build a healthy mind which is very important to developing a healthy body.

In the life of an individual, practice gives harmony and order. It teaches an individual to take accountability and to display respect. Keeping well-defined laws is the cornerstone of civilization. If the structure were not developed, people would do whatever they wished and make errors without first and foremost thought. It facilitates positive human actions in order to enhance humanity and make it a more straightforward place for us to work. The capacity for a person to be self-restricted enables them to function faithfully, rigorously, and regulated. An absence of this capacity may lead to catastrophe.

Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak, and esteem to all.” 

– George Washington

Sample Example No.2.

                                    Say no to tobacco.

Humans are supposed to be the most evolved creatures on this planet. True ? No, absolutely false! If, after knowing the various harmful effects of tobacco, man still uses it, it does not speak well of his mental capabilities. Which other animal chews tobacco? Which other animal uses’ gutka’ or paan masala’, or smokes cigarettes, cigars, and ‘beedis’?

“It’s my life”, some may say. Yes, it is. But it affects the people around too. Tobacco use is one of the biggest public health hazards of recent times. Tobacco is one of the primary causes of cancer and heart attacks. People in the 1950s and 60s did not know about this, and hence they smoked. But not that we know it and know that it can lead to a horrible and painful death, can’t we, the species with the most highly developed brains, stop its use? Stop growing it altogether? 

Can’t the government ban its farming?

The frightening bit is that many youngsters are getting addicted to tobacco. Once addicted, withdrawal is very difficult. So why not we all join hands and say no to tobacco? ‘No’ to using it, and ‘No’ to growing it too.

Monday, July 10, 2023

The Inchcape Rock | ENGLISH| SYJC | Appreciation of the poem

 Poetic Appreciation of Poem

2.3 The Inchcape Rock


About the poet and poem:
This is a ballad, written by Robert Southey. It is the story of the 14th-century attempt by the Abbot of Aberbrothok to install a warning bell on the Inchcape, a notorious stone reef about 18 km off the east coast of Angus occupied by the  Bell Rock Lighthouse. The poet was inspired by the legendary story of a pirate who removed the bell on the Inchcape rock and invited death for himself because of his own deed.


The Theme
The Abbot of Aberbrotok installed a bell on the Inchcape rock to alert the mariners to avoid the collision, the pirate plucked the bell in jealousy. In return journey , he invited death due to the lack of an Inchcape bell.


Poetic Device
The figure of speech used in the poem is a a b b. The tone of the poem is energetic as it is a balled. There are 4 lines in each stanza, figures of speech like personification, simile, metaphor, and beautiful word pictures of the story. We find many old English words here.


Special features
We observe a beautiful presentation of the natural beauty of the sea, it has thus a sea background. Being a ballad, we find great energy while reading the poem. The poem depicts a word of an image of marine beauty.


My opinion/message
The poem is  didactic, with a great moral message
‘as we sow, so shall we reap’
This message is useful to everyone, we are responsible for our destruction the qualities like jealousy and hatred invite destruction for us.


Friday, July 7, 2023


Truth is Beauty, Beauty is Truth

The phrase “Beauty is truth, truth beauty” is a famous line from John Keats’ poem “Ode on a Grecian Urn.” The line expresses the idea that beauty and truth are interconnected and inseparable.

At its core, the phrase means that anything that is truly beautiful reflects a deeper truth, and anything that is truly true is inherently beautiful. The idea is that beauty and truth are two sides of the same coin and that they are intimately linked.

To understand this idea, we can consider the beauty of nature. When we look at a beautiful landscape or a sunset, we are moved by its beauty, and we also feel that it is truthful in some way. The beauty of nature reflects the truth of its existence and the laws of the universe that govern it.

Similarly, in art, beauty is often associated with authenticity and emotional truthfulness. A beautiful work of art is one that captures something essential about the human experience and speaks to us on a deep emotional level. This emotional truthfulness is what makes the work beautiful.

The phrase “Beauty is truth, truth beauty” is not meant to be taken literally, but rather as a poetic expression of the idea that beauty and truth are interconnected. By recognizing and appreciating the beauty around us, we can come to a deeper understanding of the truth of our existence and the world around us.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Reading is Important

Reading -Very useful Tool

Reading is the most important tool to any person's life. Reading fetch you new ideas, trends and finds to your Life.

I always wanted to be a good reader. Many time, I wanted read but there were some hassles and tussle in my task.

So recently I joined one online course "Read for Success" by Dr.S. Manjunath. The course helped me a lot for improving my reading speech. It guided me to choose the right kind of books fits for my profession.

Here is some recommendations for Dr. S. Manjunath 

  1. Rich Dad Poor Dad' by Robert Kiyosaki: This book challenges conventional beliefs about money and provides invaluable insights into financial literacy and investing for passive income.
  2. 'The Intelligent Investor' by Benjamin Graham: A timeless classic, it offers principles for successful investing, emphasizing value-based strategies and long-term thinking.
  3. 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill: This groundbreaking self-help book delves into the power of the mind, positive thinking, and persistence in achieving financial success.
  4. 'The Millionaire Next Door' by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko: By studying the habits of millionaires, this book reveals the importance of frugality, smart financial choices, and disciplined saving.
  5. 'The Richest Man in Babylon' by George S. Clason is a timeless personal finance book that imparts essential financial principles through engaging parables set in ancient Babylon. It emphasizes saving, investing, living below one's means, and seeking financial knowledge. It offers practical advice for wealth accumulation and financial success.

These books offer a wealth of knowledge, practical strategies, and mindset shifts to help you take control of your financial future. I encourage you to explore these books and apply their wisdom to your personal circumstances. Let's embark on this journey together towards financial growth and success!"

Happy Reading...

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Interested in A.I.? MUST READ

First Artificial Intelligence University in Raigad District 

देशातील पहिले एआय तंत्रज्ञान म्हणजेच आर्टिफिशल इंटेलिजेंस तंत्रज्ञानाचं विद्यापीठ रायगड जिल्ह्यातील कर्जत येथे होत आहे. आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस हे तंत्रज्ञान भविष्याच्या दृष्टीने फार महत्त्वाचे आहे. या प्रगत तंत्रज्ञानामुळे जग बदलेल असे म्हटले जाते.

युनिव्हर्सल एआय युनिव्हर्सिटी या विद्यापिठामध्ये १ ऑगस्टपासून पहिलं शैक्षणिक वर्ष सुरु होणार आहे.जिल्ह्यातील कर्जत येथे स्थापन करण्यात आलेले हे विद्यापीठ ग्रीन कॅम्पस असेल आणि त्याला महाराष्ट्र सरकारच्या उच्च तांत्रिक आणि शिक्षण विभागाने मान्यता दिली असल्याचे विद्यापीठाकडून सांगण्यात आले आहे. भारतातील अशा प्रकारचं हे पहिलं विद्यापीठ आहे. या विद्यापिठात एआयचा अभ्यास केला जाईल. हे विद्यापीठ एआय तंत्रज्ञानाच्या शिक्षणात महत्त्वाची भूमिका बजावेल.
युनिव्हर्सल एआय युनिव्हर्सिटी हे एआय आणि भविष्यातील तंत्रज्ञानातील विशेष पदवी आणि पदव्युत्तर अभ्यासक्रम सुरू करण्यात येत आहे. या अभ्यासक्रमांतर्गत येथे शिकणार्‍या विद्यार्थ्यांना एआय तंत्रज्ञानाबद्दल संपूर्ण माहिती आणि शिक्षण दिलं जाईल. यामध्ये व्हर्च्युअल रिलिटी आणि सुपर कॉम्प्युटरचे शिक्षण दिलं जाणार आहे. या विद्यापिठात एआय तंत्रज्ञानाच्या अभ्यासासाठी हायटेक क्लास रूम्स, सुपर कॉम्प्युटर आणि व्हर्च्युअल रिलिटी उप रणे अशी वेगवेगळी तयारीही करण्यात आली आहे.
एआय विद्यापीठामध्ये एआय तंत्रज्ञान आणि भविष्यातील तंत्रज्ञानामध्ये विशेष पदवीपूर्व आणि पदवीधर अभ्यासक्रम आहेत. तसेच जागतिक घडामोडी आणि मुत्सद्देगिरी, कायदा, पर्यावरण आणि क्रीडा विज्ञान यासारखे इतर नवे-जुने संमिश्र अभ्यासक्रम तयार केले आहेत. जग अधिक ऑटोमेशन आणि डिजिटल ट्रान्सफॉर्मेशन डे वाटचाल करत असताना, जागतिक अर्थव्यवस्थेमध्ये देशाला स्पर्धात्मक राहण्यासाठी एआय शिक्षण आणि संशोधन महत्त्वाचं आहे.
एआय युनिव्हर्सिटीचं वैशिष्ट्येे एआय विद्यापीठाचं कॅम्पस मुंबईत स्थापन करण्यात आले आहे. येथे विद्यार्थ्यांना वेगळ्या पद्धतीने शिकवले जाईल. एआय विद्यापीठात हायटेक क्लास रूम, व्हर्च्युअल रिलिटी उपकरणे आणि सुपर कॉम्प्युटर बसवण्यात आले आहेत. प्रत्येक विषय शिकवण्यासाठी एआय तंत्रज्ञानाचा वापर केला जाईल. तरुणांना ऑगमेंटेड रिलिटी, मिक्स्ड रिलिटी, आयओटी, ब्लॉकचेन यांवर शिकण्यासाठी आणि प्रयोग करण्यासाठी लॅब तयार करण्यात आली आहे. विद्यार्थ्यांचे तांत्रिक ज्ञान वाढविण्यासाठी विविध साधनांचा वापर करण्यात येणार आहे.

2.2 Indian Weaver

                                          2.2 Indian Wear (Appreciation) About the poem/poet and the title: ‘Indian Weavers’ is by the renow...